Listen up, fellas! Tired of sporting a scraggly, itchy beard? Well, it’s time to give it the boot with our newest creation: Bye, Felicia, a beard balm scented with the enigmatic aroma of Palo Santo. This ain’t your average beard balm, oh no. This is the real deal, the one that’s gonna make all those other bearded bros look like amateurs.
With Bye, Felicia, your beard will be silky smooth and hydrated, all while emitting the sweet, smoky scent of Palo Santo. So go ahead, make heads turn with that luscious mane.
Palo Santo is known for its calming properties and is often used in spiritual rituals to purify the air. So not only will you look like a million bucks, you’ll also smell like a freakin’ zen master. Get ready to say “Bye, Felicia” to that dry, itchy beard and hello to a beard that’s fit for a king.
14 in stock
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